MBP Overview, Practices & Terms & Conditions

Eight Week Mindfulness-Based Programme (MBP) Overview

The Eight Week Mindfulness-Based Programme is a secular, experiential course, with the main emphasis being on meditation practice. Teacher-talk time is kept to a minimum to allow for more practice and inquiry in class and support around the home practice. During the course there will be pair work, readings and group sharing (known as inquiry) to aid learning and participation. There will also be some gentle movement and walking.

The Eight Week MBP aims to provide a safe space where you can feel accepted and where your meditation practice is nurtured. The class size may be as small as 4 participants with a maximum of 15 (venue depending). To get a positive group dynamic it’s hoped that all participants treat each other, the facilitator and themselves with kindness and respect, as best they can. Please note the final session will contain extended silent practice. We will have a brief overview of the course before going into guided silent practice. During this time there will be no feedback after each meditation. At this stage the meditations will be more spacious and have less guidance. At the end of the session we will reflect on the practice.

Some venues are not suitable for those who cannot use stairs – please contact the organiser to clarify.

Read the Overview and Terms and Conditions for the course: mbp-course-overview-tc-2017  

Guided Meditations Week by Week

Home practice is an essential part of the course and will take about 20-30 minutes each day during the course. If you cannot commit to this level of home practice this may not be the best time to undertake the course. It is also expected that participants read the relevant section of the workbook each week, which will be given out in the first session.

Week 1 Body scan light:

Week 2 Body scan:

Week 3 Three Minute Breathing Space Meditation (taken from Frantic World website):

Breath and Body Meditation:

Week 4 Sounds and Thoughts Meditation:

Week 5 Choiceless Awareness Meditation:

Week 6  Befriending Meditation:

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